Saturday 17 December 2011


To my joy, I have now been feeling my baby move around for about three weeks.  I love it, and await those times eagerly (usually just as I am settling down to relax or sleep of course!)

At first, it was only me who could notice it.  The movements weren't strong enough for my husband to perceive them.  One night though, I was lying in bed reading, with my bookmark balancing across my upper stomach.  I noticed the bookmark moving slightly as I breathed.  An experiment then!  I moved the bookmark down low, to where I knew my bub was, and watched, and waited.


The bookmark waggled!  It was very obvious.  I told my husband, and he in turn watched and waited...


He saw it too!  He laughed and smiled and gave me a big hug and kiss.  This was his first hint of reality.  That there really is a baby in there.

I had a different hit of reality a few days later.  I felt the baby move.  And I realised that there was a human being in there.  In my body.  A little human being, different from and separate (although dependent) to me.

That's just weird.  There is a creature in my body!


  1. Hi Dizzyanne
    Glad to hear things are going well for you!
    As a clinic buddy, thought I'd let you know that I'm now pg too - 5 1/2 weeks.
    The fish tank must have done its job!
    You sound like you're starting to have fun with your pregnancy; that's fantastic.
    Best wishes!

    1. That is so wonderful to hear! I hope everything goes swimmingly well for you and bub.
