Wednesday 21 December 2011


I went along to pregnancy yoga last Tuesday, and there our teacher invited us to choose a card.  I chose one, just from my gut feeling, I did not know what it said before I picked it up.  But the patterns and the colour and the feeling drew me to that card.  I can't remember the exact words, but its message was that it was time for me to seek clarity about myself, and my future with my baby.

This is interesting.

I had a pretty clear picture in my mind about my baby, my family and my future.  As clear as you can be about an uncertain future.  Who really can predict what will happen in 6 months time, 2 months time, tomorrow?  But my vision was this:

I would take maternity leave starting from the new school year, have my baby when she chooses to make her appearance, stay at home for an unidentified period of time (at least 3 months, at most... 20 years?) and go back to work when the right job came along and it fit with how we, as a family, felt at the time.  That's enough clarity for me.

So I had applied, and been granted, maternity leave.  Everything was on track.

Then three weeks ago, a job was advertised.  It was a job that I have wanted to do since I started my career, only it has never existed before.  So I applied.

Then I was asked to attend an interview.

Then I was offered the job.

I accepted.

So I cancelled my maternity leave.  I start my new job in February, and will work as long as I am able.  That may be two weeks, it may be six, it may be eight, although I doubt it.  If they allow me to go back part time after finishing maternity leave, perhaps that's what I will do.

I think I still have clarity.  The picture is just a little different, that's all.

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