Sunday 5 February 2012

The Teddy Bear

Big W were having a baby sale yesterday, and as I am in the last days of my holidays before I return to work, I thought it would be a good idea (not to mention fun) to go and buy up.

It was great fun - I'm so lucky to be able to do it.  I bought a heap of clothes for the first 3 months or so, a swaddle, some muslin wraps, and Huggies had bulk boxes on sale so I bought some of them too for before we switch to MCNs.

When I got home, I washed all the clothes and popped the nappies in the tray under the change table.  Now, having been a child care worker and special educator, I have changed a gazillion nappies in my life (including my nephew's very first - how did I get lumped with that?) but it occurred to me that hubby has never changed a nappy in his whole entire life.

I thought it might be a prudent time to start.

So I dutifully rummaged through my teddy bear basket until I found one roughly newborn size. 

When hubby got home, I showed off my purchases and then let him know that I had a teddy bear the perfect size for practising putting on nappies.  He was in denial.  But the gorgeous man had a go anyway.

And what a natural he is!  The nappy fitted pretty much a dream - not even a big gape at the back and the bear was still in one piece.  He'll kill me when he knows I've blogged about this - I'm sure no-one was ever supposed to know.  He he he.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, love it!!! Well done on all counts.
    I'm looking forward to seeing him change a nappy when the time comes :-)
