Saturday 12 January 2013


The fact that I have rarely posted during my second pregnancy is testament to how relaxed I am feeling about it.  It's not that I think everything will work out fine, but if it doesn't, it won't hurt as much.  Sure, if I can't have any more children, it will be really sad.  But compared to the pain of the thought that you will never have any... ever... it is but an annoying bug.

So, it has made this first trimester so much easier.  I have barely even thought about the fact that I am pregnant.  I have just gone on with my life with the occasional dry cracker thrown in and the occasional head put on knees as I get dizzy.  Otherwise, I just carried on, waiting to hear the verdict at our 10 week obstetrician appointment.  Such a different experience to my first pregnancy, when I thought about it every day, where I nervously counted down the days to the next scan, where I took notice of every sign and tried to interpret whether it was positive or negative.  My life was consumed with the next time I would find out if my baby was alive or not.

This is so so different.  And I think that the pregnancy will fly because of it.  It certainly has to now.  My husband, Lara and I all went to the obstetrician together for our 10 week appointment.  Unlike last time, I was totally relaxed and fatalistic.  Yes, it would have been sad had the heart not been beating, or a sac was empty, but the level of sorrow I would have felt would have paled into insignificance compared to previous pregnancies.  It's amazing how blessed having one child makes you.  I am blessed.

As it is, the scan showed a small and very active baby.  How can it be so easy?

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!!! That means you are now about 11 weeks. Wishing you all the very best for this new little life.
