Thursday 22 March 2012

The Silver Lining

Now that I'm getting toward the pointy end of my pregnancy, I am also being bombarded with all sorts of pains and discomforts.

I have sacro iliac joint pain (my right hip is now 1 inch higher than my left) making most manouevres difficult and painful.
I can't lie down on my side for longer than 10 minutes without getting lower back pain, even with 10 pillows supporting bits and pieces of me (makes sleeping nigh on impossible).
My feet swell very easily.
I get restless legs at night time and they ache ache ache.

There seems to be nothing I can do to address these issues.  The solution for one is the cause of another.

But when it all gets too much, and I whimper and I cry through my veil of exhaustion, I still smile.  I am still lucky.  I am still blessed.  Yes it's hard and it's wearing me down, but I'm pregnant.  I'm going to have a daughter.  I will take this pain over the pain of miscarrying any day.


  1. Hang in there dizzyanne. I had 5 miscarriages before my 1st son was born, followed by another son, another miscarriage and then a daughter. Now many years later, the miscarriages are no more to me than a distant memory that reminds me how precious my 3 children are, even when things get tough. We are indeed very lucky. I wish you an amazing labour and many wonderful years ahead with your daughter.

    1. Thanks Magdalena! You sure had a tough journey. It's fabulous to hear where you are now with your three cherubs. I'm looking forward to my memories becoming distant too! We are indeed lucky.
