After the miscarriage, we decided to start trying again straight away. I was devastated to have lost our baby. There are so many statistics about miscarriages. One I hear often is 1 in 4.
"Right", I thought, "my sister had 3 kids with no miscarriages, I've had one miscarriage - that fits the statistics perfectly - so it'll all be good from here". There is no history of conception issues in our family.
I know lots of people who had conceived and carried healthy babies immediately after a miscarriage, so we tried again.
Again, we followed in the family footsteps and were rewarded with a Big Fat Positive - I was pregnant. Again.
We were excited, with a little trepidation. We cried the first time we fell pregnant (with joy). I think I had a tear the second time - maybe fear. This one was due on Halloween - we called it Boo.
Our joy didn't last long. I was testing on home pregnancy tests every few days - just to see the test line darken before I got to go to the doctor. It darkened nicely for a few days, then started fading. Then I started bleeding. I was almost 5 weeks this time... not long, but long enough.
It didn't hurt so much this time. The first time was devastating. I think the pain was less this time because it was so early. Maybe I was also half expecting it. But boy it still hurts.
They say the first miscarriage is not surprising - it's just statistics.
The second miscarriage is bloody bad luck.
Let's hope we don't get to the third. The third means there's something wrong.
My husband and I are 35 and 33 years old respectively. We only met 2 years ago so couldn't have started earlier. We want a large family, we don't have time for there to be something wrong. But only time will tell.
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