Thursday, 22 March 2012

The Silver Lining

Now that I'm getting toward the pointy end of my pregnancy, I am also being bombarded with all sorts of pains and discomforts.

I have sacro iliac joint pain (my right hip is now 1 inch higher than my left) making most manouevres difficult and painful.
I can't lie down on my side for longer than 10 minutes without getting lower back pain, even with 10 pillows supporting bits and pieces of me (makes sleeping nigh on impossible).
My feet swell very easily.
I get restless legs at night time and they ache ache ache.

There seems to be nothing I can do to address these issues.  The solution for one is the cause of another.

But when it all gets too much, and I whimper and I cry through my veil of exhaustion, I still smile.  I am still lucky.  I am still blessed.  Yes it's hard and it's wearing me down, but I'm pregnant.  I'm going to have a daughter.  I will take this pain over the pain of miscarrying any day.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Great Expectations

We live in a pretty lucky country, in a pretty lucky time. 

Here I am, on paid maternity leave, with my partner being able to take time off on paid paternity leave when bubs comes.  I have all sorts of equipment to help make me more comfortable (fitballs, pillows, vouchers to the day spa); I can have a say in how I deliver our baby so long as all is well.  I attend yoga for pregnancy, aqua therapy for pregnancy.  I have a room full of old and new baby things that didn't break the bank.  I have the choice of so many types of nappies, prams, car seats, clothes, swaddles.  I can attend classes run by so many different organisations on so many different pregnancy and birth topics.

A pretty amazing and lucky place to be really.

Some of these things I see as being a bonus, but most of them, I see just as part of our society - the norm, the expected.  They weren't always the norm or the expected however.  My mum made do with so much less.  It doesn't mean that I should have to.  Our society has grown.  But it does mean that I can look at what we have and feel lucky.

There are a few other things out there that to me, are not the norm.  But I wonder when they will be.  Where is the line drawn between being over the top, and being the norm? 

I've noticed many couples posting pictures on Facebook lately of belly shoots - that is, a photography shoot (professional) of you and your partner in the later stages of pregnancy.  A lovely way to remember this time.  I had never thought to do it.  Professional photography shoots used to be the domain of weddings, and weddings only (in my world anyway).  They aren't cheap.  They aren't a necessity.  They're a luxury.  It used to be one of the most expensive single items within a wedding.  And now people do it for each pregnancy.  Wow.   We're lucky when a once perceived luxury item starts becoming more common.  It's been happening for years though - red wine for dinner each night, for example (mmm how I've been dreaming of this).  A luxury - but a lot more common now.

Then there was another term I heard twice the other day, a term I have rarely heard.  It was the 'push present'.  Others like to call it the 'birthing present' but 'push present' seems to be the most common.  I had never once thought of the need or desire to be given a push present from my husband (even though I do expect birthday and Christmas presents).  However, it seems to be getting a little more common to expect this.  Some women are just expecting flowers, which I'm sure they'll get, at least from someone, but the most common expectation I hear is jewellery.  Often quite expensive jewellery.  To live in a society where people can expect to receive expensive jewellery for each time they give birth tells us something about the society we live in and how lucky we are to be here to even consider that! 

I do wonder whether the 'belly shoot' and the 'push present' will become an expectation; a right; the norm, in the future.  If they do, indeed we are very lucky, but where do our expectations end?  Should they end?  Will having these great expectations lead us down a selfish path that's best not tread, or are they just something our society can adapt to?  Like expecting birthday presents or wedding photography?  Where will the line be drawn, and if it's not drawn, will these growing expectations be positive or negative for our society?

For me, for now, I will be happy (very happy) with what I've got - the amazing support of my husband.  That's my great expectation.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

A Little Bit of Inspiration

Facebook brings you some pretty awesome stuff sometimes.  My sister posted a link to YouTube of a guy addressing a bunch of high school kids.  Now that's a pretty daunting thing to do.  Stand up in front of a high school assembly full of teenagers you don't know and try to inspire them.

Inspiring teenagers huh?  That's a tough gig.  But by the end of the assembly, these teenagers were laughing, smiling and crying and hugs were going all over the place.  This guy did an awesome job.

After watching the video, I too was laughing, smiling and crying, and thinking life was pretty damn great.  Ok, so that's often how I choose to view life, but sometimes you do slip up.  A little bit of an inspirational injection from people like this every now and then is I think the best medicine I could ask for.

His name is Nick Vujicic.  He has no arms and no legs.  And he makes you feel bloody amazing!  Thanks Nick, and all the other inspirational people out there who help make this world such a beautiful place.